You and your Friends are Invited to:
A Rare, Never Before Seen 
Art Exhibition of 
The Costumes of Slavic Folklore
in celebration of the Slavic Mardi Gras (Maslenista)
Friday, March 8th International Women's Day
7:00-9:30 pm

 The Eurasia Center
4927 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016

 For the first time, The Eurasia Center’s American-Eurasian Art Foundation will be presenting a fantastic collection of Slavic folklore costumes of the Kirov Ballet as created by the Great Artist of Costume Design and Stage Theater Tatiana Bruni. 

Come join us for a Champagne, Salmon & Caviar Reception, Featuring Slavic Cuisine - $50 per person 
$100 for those who wish to make a Donation and be on the Program Guide

Please email Director@eurasiacenter.org or call Michael Cooper at 202-494-0773 for further information. 

Proceeds to Help The Eurasia Art Museum & New Orthodox Nunnery 
in the Greater Washington, DC Area

Register for Slavic Mardi Gras & Women's Day
$100 for those who wish to make a Donation and be on the Program Guide
Come join us for a Champagne, Salmon & Caviar Reception, Featuring Slavic Cuisine - $50 per person 
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